
The following contains content referencing sex. It's nonexplicit and purely dumb, juvinile goofing but may be questionable if someone's reading over your shoulder.
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Unexpected Originally posted 2014/08/14 to fanfiction.net
Italy visits Germany and sees something he wishes he hadn't.

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Once uoon a time at no specific point in time, Italy was bored of going 'Veee~ Pasta!' and flirting with pretty girls, so he went to go visit his friend with benifits skipped his way over to the hulking blond beefcake's house, cutting through a certain Swiss guy's yard and trampling his flowers. He didn't even knock before going on inside because Germany is best friend yay!

"Veee, Germanly~" He called out, looking around for the german for a good fourty seconds before giving up and wandering into the other's livingroom. He planned on taking a nap on the sofa until Ludwig found him and started lecturing him about entering other's homes uninvited.

He pranced his way towards the livingroom, but then stopped tight outside the entryway. In there was something horrifying, so scary and terrifying that it caused the little Italian man to faint atvthe very sight of it.

Germany and the Roman Empire were doin' the do, up the A.